Thursday, July 26, 2012

He Ain't Here But He Sure Went Past.

Oh thank Christ, it's time for another Friday Roundup. I don't think I could manage to eke out another post all about what I did instead of watching the tour, or how I feel about riding my bike, or another single paragraph that begins with the first person singular. For once I'm writing a post that isn't about me. Or anyone else in particular.

And something that has absolutely nothing to do with me, apart from gaining my unequivocal endorsement, is the Captain Planet Alleycat. What a freaking great theme. I really hope folks dress up for this one. I didn't know the guys involved when they threw their last race, the Commuter Cup, but since then I've seen them around a bit, and they're all pretty rad individuals who are just stoked on riding bikes on the streets. This is guaranteed to be such a good time that I might even mosey on down. I might even race. The step-through on my front porch hasn't had a workout since the last Valentine's Day alleycat. It could be time to step out of retirement.

A long way off but a brilliant idea is the FOA Show n Shine. Sure, it's not happening til December, but that gives you just enough time to start ordering some shiny new parts off ebay, or get your sweet vintage frame resprayed, or polish up your teeth with Vaseline and tape your swimsuit to your butt. Keep your eyes peeled, because there's gonna be bling for miles.

Hey, apparently there's some big sporting event happening in London over the next two weeks, and it features some cycling. Someone asked me the other day if I was also going to keep an Olympic Diary that never talked about the Olympics. While that sounds like a pretty good read, there's no way in hell - as you could probably tell, by the end of the Tour all of my "I just rode around instead and it was a totally good time" style posts were totally used up. Instead I'm just going to hope someone tapes the track events and shares them with me. I'd stay up, but apparently they're all on between the hours of 1 and 4am, and dammit if I don't have work to do these days. However, if you're insistent on punishing yourself, a schedule of events is available here.

And that's probably about it for today. It's been a while, right, and when you stop looking outwards for events you don't see as many. I don't think I've done this before, but if you have anything you'd like included in the roundup - and yes, I do know how to include pictures - please get in contact with me at

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